Sunday, June 28, 2015

Movie Review: "Below Dreams"

Joel Potrykus' Buzzard might be the best commentary on and representation of the post #OWS generation of slackers / slacktivists. The lead character Marty scavenges and scrounges around his domain and that of others, scamming and stealing anything and everything with a misguided and misinterpreted sense of entitlement. You COULD pull some kind of conservative Republican message from the film - just blame the rich for all of your problems, why don'tcha - IF it all weren't a self criticism with a humorous and protective bent. We're self absorbed and going nowhere but DAMMIT we are who we are! Then again, that could also be taken as a depressing and dangerous self assessment of our own worth...

... not that "our" covers ALL of "us"...

Garrett Bradley's Below Dreams observes and reports on the earnest and tried and true youth, with the unfortunate misfortune to be adults in the current economic climate. Our trio of leads - a single mother, an unemployed ex convict and a drifter type - travel to and from New Orleans, looking for opportunities to improve and progress. We watch the depressed and oppressed trudge along at a slog, despite their best efforts, while their problems need immediate attention. This is the generation without degrees but with debt. Without marriage but with children. Without stability but with hope. Of course, you can't pay bills with hope...

... not that it's an intangible worth getting rid of...